Sunday 2 October 2011

Space invaders

I try my very best to keep my backyard spray free, which means that I haven't used round up for about 3 years and with the help of the chickens I don't have much of a weed problem. There are however two weeds that cause ongoing problems, convolvulus and buttercup. You will see that the chickens have neatly trimmed the buttercup around my glasshouse but they are no match for the convolvulus.
Looks harmless enough aye, but the roots can travel very deeply and cover a long distance. They find the nearest thing to climb up and begin to smother.
Last year my whole trellis was covered. My strategy so far this year is to dig up roots, leave in the glasshouse to die and try to get to the climbing shoots before they take hold, OK if you don't turn you back on it!

The funny thing was even when I did spray, I was still not able to get rid of it. I am  looking at getting a pig as apparently the roots are a delicacy to pigs, we will wait and see.

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