Saturday 8 October 2011

Backyard pig

Well after much getting ready and several months going by we finally have a pig. He is our only male animal out of 4 hens, 2 cats and 2 turtles. He's pretty little for now, only 15kg but will grow quite quickly. I wished I had taken a photo of the road up to the property that we got him from, it was very steep, almost 4wheel drive, scary but we got to the top to be greeted warmly by two slightly bemused pig farmers. No 1 son drove back down the hill! Its such a cold night for him to go to a new home but he has a good shelter with a pile of hay and a pea straw bale to make it cosy.

No 1 son's lovely handy work to get the pen built and pig proofed. We realised when the pig arrived that we had to nail everything down extra firmly as the netting wasn't at first nailed to the bottom paling and the pig was fast escaping. It may need some further work as he may try to dig his way out. At least our back yard itself is reasonably secure. Meanwhile Mary is up to day 16 out of 21 days of sitting on her eggs and doesn't seem to be eating or drinking, hope she is OK.


  1. Lovely pig - are you sure you'll be able to make him into bacon sandwiches though?

  2. We are firmly committed to not getting attached but I think we will be sad.
