Saturday 29 October 2011

Chicken update

Well I have been a bit remiss on my blogging, blame my exam that is coming up next week. I have been very boring.

Anyways my last chicky that I cracked by mistake sadly died after I tried to help it out of the shell.I will know next time to leave the eggs for a good 4 days to make sure the slow ones have a chance. I think what happened is that the last egg wasn't  kept as warm by the mum so its' development was delayed. No photos of dead chick, too sad and too gross to do that.

No 2 son with one of the barnies. At this stage I am not sure of the ratio of boys to girls but suspect all the white leghorns are hens and at least one of the barnies is. Hens feather up faster than roosters and are slower to get their combs.

This was Mary's first dust bath after her confinement. She seemed a little bit irritated that all the babies were coming too, can't a mum get any peace! The littlies are learning how to dust bath now and it is very funny to watch. That is either Nora or Hettie watching  the shenanigans.

1 comment:

  1. There is a rooster somewhere in Tawa. I love hearing it in the mornings. I reminds me of when I lived in the boondocks in Africa. Your feathered beauties are very cute.
