Sunday 20 November 2011

My Tomatoes

I am fortunate to have a glasshouse and every year for the past 12 years I have grown tomatoes. The last few years I have saved my own seeds and this year I have saved three types although because I didn't do any labels I can't remember what they are. It will be wait and see! I am tending to favour heritage types as the seed are true to their parents, sometimes I have saved commercial types and have come up with surprises. One year a very flavoursome green black small tomato resulted.

The wide window ledge in my kitchen is the perfect place to germinate and grow my seeds on. For tomatoes I dry the seeds out on tissue paper and once they are dry I fold the paper up to store them for when I am ready.The plants were planted in the glass house at labour weekend and as you can see they are doing well. The chickens were none too happy to have their favourite dust bath venue taken over though.